Thursday, November 11, 2010

California: The Lindsay Lohan of States

Sacramento is headed for trouble again, and it shouldn't expect a bailout.

Listen up, California. The other 48 states—your cousin New York excluded—are sick of your bratty arrogance. You're the Lindsay Lohan of states: a prima donna who once showed some talent but is now too wasted to do anything with it.

After enjoying ephemeral highs and spending binges, you suffer crashes that culminate in brief, unsuccessful stints in rehab. This cycle repeats itself every five to 10 years, as the rest of the country looks on with a mixture of horror and amusement. We'd feel sorry for you if you didn't constantly flip us the bird.

Instead, we're making bets on how long it will be before your next meltdown. Oh, wait—you're already melting down.
You've racked up nearly $70 billion in general obligation debt, and that doesn't include your $500 billion unfunded pension liability. Your own analysts predict you'll face a hole of at least $80 billion over the next four years.

Your government's run by a brothel of environmentalists, lawyers, public-sector unions and legislative bums. When they're not taxing or spending, they're creating regulations and commissions like the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology and the California Blueberry Commission. Many businesses would leave if it weren't for your sunny climate.

Which may explain why you're so obsessed with climate change. If your climate changes, no one, including your Hollywood friends, would tolerate you anymore. So you've created a law to tax carbon emissions—no matter that it will kill jobs.

It's not as if you don't recognize that you've got problems. Roughly three-quarters of you say you're headed in the wrong direction, according to a recent survey by the Public Policy Institute of California. You're even more depressed than Illinois and New York, and you've got sunshine 10 months of the year!

You appropriately give your government low marks—28% approval for outgoing Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, 16% for the legislature—yet you continue to re-elect the politicians who got you into this mess. Not a single incumbent state legislator lost re-election this year, including one Democrat who died a month ago (no joke). What's scarier is that you've just given almost all of the keys to statewide offices to Democrats.

Jerry Brown will be your new (old) governor. This is the man who acted as a gateway drug to your spending addiction three decades ago when he gave public-sector employees collective bargaining rights. Helping enforce your wacky laws will be Lt. Gov-elect Gavin Newsom, the San Francisco mayor who flouted state law by allowing same-sex marriage. On the plus side, he has nice hair and loves you just the way you are. This is what he had to say after winning his race:

"We're nothing but a mirror of our consistent thoughts. You tend to manifest what you focus on. If you look around for what's wrong, you'll find it. But as all we know up here in San Francisco, when you focus on what's right, you see it all around you. . . . There is absolutely nothing wrong with California that can't be fixed by what's right with California. . . . If you're from another state, you'd love to have the problems of California."

You've also just re-elected Barbara Boxer (that's Senator Barbara Boxer) to a fourth term
. She boasted on election night that it's her "eleventh straight election victory, and what a sweet one it is . . . [since] everything was thrown at us, including the kitchen sink, and the stove and the oven and everything, millions of dollars of negative ads from known and unknown opponents, millions and millions of dollars."

We've tried to help you, California. Some spent millions on campaigns to entice you to change your reckless behavior. And you told them to kick rocks.

So here's our final warning: When you inevitably crash and burn, don't count on us to bail you out.

Ms. Finley, a lapsed Californian who still wears Birkenstocks, is an assistant editor of

Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Coasting to the Left."
(To read entire column)

By Bill O'Reilly for
Thursday, November 4, 2010

"So here's my question: If this week's election returns demonstrate that the vast majority of the country is moving to the right, why do the West Coast and the Northeast continue to embrace liberalism, especially when it has led to economic disaster?"

……”California……. (is) on the verge of bankruptcy and, according to Forbes magazine, (is) hostile to business due to high taxation and strict regulation of commerce. California currently owes $158 billion … debt. But Senator Barbara Boxer in the Golden State,…….  a big spender, won (her) respective races easily."

"Mrs. Boxer is a classic tax-and-spend liberal who never met an entitlement program she didn't want to vacation with. So why did she coast on the coast? The answer has to be that the "where's mine" culture has taken deep root out west; people want stuff from government, and deficits be damned."

“So while the rest of the country has thrown the big-spending rascals out, the liberal power structure holds on in select areas, no matter how dismal the economy is. In his press conference after the Democrats got hammered, President Obama showed some humility, but he also knows that come 2012, he'll begin with 86 electoral votes courtesy of California and New York, no matter what he does.”

“If Barbara Boxer can win reelection based upon her economic vision, than Joy Behar should be appointed Secretary of State. All Americans should vote for problem-solvers and people who have proved their ability to improve the country for all of us. I know... I'm dreaming.”

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Boxer Saves Jobs....her own and her infamous staff!

What a real "high quality" staff she has indeed. One of whom was busted for trying to smuggle pot into the Capitol and another one who was in possession of kiddie porn.

Check out these unemployment statistics of these counties that were foolish enough to re-elect her:

                                             Unemployed             Percentage

Alameda County 87,600 11.60%
Contra Costa County 59,100 11.30%
Humboldt County 6,500 10.60%
Imperial County 23,600 30.40%
Lake County 4,430 17.00%
Los Angeles County 612,600                        12.50%
Marin County 11,000 8.40%
Mendocino                         4,670 10.70%
Monterey County 23,400 10.50%
Napa County 7,100 9.30%
Sacramento County 88,700 13.00%
San Benito County 3,700 14.70%
San Francisco County 44,100 9.70%
San Mateo County 33,800 9.10%
Santa Barbara County 20,000 9.00%
Santa Clara County 97,900 11.10%
Santa Cruz County 16,200 10.90%
Solano County 26,000 12.10%
Sonoma County 26,300 10.20%
Yolo County 11,200 11.60%
Total Unemployed: 1,207,900
Average Rate:                                                         12.26%

Slightly over half of all of California's unemployed reside in counties that voted for Boxer.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.
Do the denizens of these counties really think things will get better by keeping Boxer around?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boxer wins a Pyhhric Victory

Barbara Boxer did have the political scare of her life and fended off a serious challenge from former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. Ma'am Boxer could not run on her own achievements and simply made the race about who was the lesser of two evils. A lesser evil is still an evil.
The fact that someone with no previous political experience like Carly Fiorina was even a serious contender shows that Barbara Boxer is still deeply unpopular in California!

(Statistics updated November 9th. Many more absentee ballots to be counted!)
The facts:
-Over 4.2 million voters chose someone OTHER than Boxer.
-Over 48.3% of voters chose someone OTHER than Boxer.
-Barbara Boxer lost in 38 out of 58 counties.
-In four counties that Boxer did "win", she garnered LESS than 50% of the vote.
They were Lake, Sacramento, San Benito, and Santa Barbara Counties.
- 29 California newspapers chose to endorse Fiorina. 
Another 2 including the San Francisco Chronicle did not endorse anyone.
-Overall, 31 newspapers chose NOT to endorse Barbara Boxer.

This election was on who was disliked the most, Carly Fiorina or Barbara Boxer, and on that count Ma'am Boxer did prevail. But she is still very much disliked. This blog will expose her on a regular basis. That is what happens when she chooses to STAY in the spotlight and remain under scrutiny.  Her victory is Pyhhric and hallow!